
Spotlight on Entrepreneurs

Small Business Week 2022

IWE Workshop – March 2022

The first IWE workshop was held March 28, 2022 in Fort Smith with 7 Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs in attendance.

The workshop was a great success, despite a small technical issue and planned guest speakers were not able to attend due to illness.  (We’re glad to report they have both fully recovered.) Mr. Lee Sacrey, of MDDF was able to fill in and discuss their services to NWT entrepreneurs. Thank you, Lee!

The workshop discussed a variety of topics related to best practices for starting and operating a successful business.

” It’s success when you’re happy to get up and work. You get to make your own decisions

– Denise Yuhas”


More workshops are being planned. If you are an IWE and would like to learn more about a specific topic, or the IWE Program, please contact Denise Yuhas at TBDSIWE @ outlook.com.



Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs Program


Thebacha Business Development Services is pleased to announce the Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship Program (IWE)!

The Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship (IWE) Program was developed by NACCA with its focus on developing tools, resources and supports for Indigenous women to start or expand their businesses.

The IWE Program involves developing women-specific programs, tools and training to member AFIs, like TBDS, and entrepreneurs aimed at meeting the needs of Indigenous women entrepreneurs.

The overall objective of the IWE Program is to increase the number of Indigenous women engaging in entrepreneurship and business development in Canada.

There are 3 components to the IWE Program to help ensure the success of Indigenous women entrepreneurs. Firstly, there will be a dedicated IWE Coordinator and Business Services Officer at TBDS.

Denise Yuhas, who is an Indigenous woman with 30+ years of entrepreneurship and business experience has been selected for the role at TBDS. You may contact her at TBDSIWE@ outlook.com.

Secondly, TBDS will host a series of workshop for IWEs to develop capacity and build business skills. The workshops will cover a wide variety of topics, like encouraging entrepreneurship, business planning, marketing, bookkeeping, best practices, etc. If there are specific topics or training required please contact Denise directly.

Lastly, a Micro-Loan program up to a maximum of $20,000. Once you have written your business plan and analyzed it to be a viable business, you may find yourself in need of financial help. The MLP, a combination of loans and contributions, will help get you started.

For more information, please contact TBDS at 621 – 2795 or contact Denise at TBDSIWE @ Outlook.com.


Thebacha Trade Show Organization well underway!

The 2019 Thebacha Trade Show organization is well underway and scheduled for Saturday, April 27!

Thank you to our Gold Sponsors, Northwestern Air Lease, and Aurora College, which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year! Congratulations Aurora College. The Town of Fort Smith is a Silver Sponsor again this year, along with newcomer NorthStar Chrysler as a Silver Sponsor. Be sure to click on their names and find out what’s happening in their worlds.

The 2019 trade show booths are selling quickly, if you want one, don’t delay, register today! A registration package can be downloaded here.

The booth map as of Feb 13, 2019. If you have a favourite spot, contact us before it’s gone!

Call Linda at 872 – 2795 or email tbdsmanager @ gmail.com.