
Fall Business Learning Sessions

Canada Business NWT is hosting a series of learning webinars. Please contact Linda at 872-2795.


10! Annual Thebacha Trade Show Filling Up Quickly

Clear your calendar for Saturday, May 2.

The 10! Annual Thebacha Trade Show booths are filling up quickly again this year! If you are considering attending as an exhibitor, call TBDS at 872-2795, soon, before the booths are completely filled. There are only 3 booths left, as of March 10. The Thebacha Trade Show is the perfect opportunity to mingle and network with industry professionals, promote your services and products and have fun.

If you are attending the event to take in the sights, socialize with friends over a cup of coffee and a snack, learn about all the terrific services and products available in the South Slave, you will be pleased. There’s something for everyone.

The Thebacha Trade Show features a wide variety of exhibitors, from Government of the NWT agencies to inform you of their programs and offerings, to retailers where you can buy the latest and greatest, to our fabulous local artists displaying their talents.

Street Treats food truck, travel trailers from Northstar Chrysler, Diggerz Power Sports all terrain vehicles, Kingland Ford cars and 4x4s will be there to greet you in the parking lot of the Fort Smith Recreation and Community Centre.

Don’t forget to enter the many door prize draws. This year, TWO lucky winners will each win a return trip Fort Smith/Edmonton on Northwestern Air Lease.

See you at the Show and be sure to stop by and say hello to our Platinum Sponsor, Business Development & Investment Corporation (BDIC) who is also celebrating their 10 Year Anniversary, too!

BDIC 10 logo




10! Annual Thebacha Trade Show



The 10! Annual Thebacha Trade Show organization is well under way! Thebacha Business Development Services (TBDS) and GNWT – Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) have teamed up to organize this highly regarded South Slave Spring trade show.

The Fort Smith Recreation and Community Centre will once again be home to the 2015 trade show on Saturday, May 2, 2015. . As a venue for the 9th Annual Thebacha-Fort Smith Trade Show, it received many compliments from both exhibitors and the attending public.

The trade show is an ideal place for networking, promoting your business or organization, connecting with valued South Slave clients, and establishing new relationships. Artisans and retail sales of goods and services are permitted at the trade show.

Increase your corporate exposure with sponsorship! We offer several levels of sponsorship, Platinum: Title Sponsor, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Benefits include your company logo in all print advertising, a sponsorship recognition banner, an ad in the trade show program guide, and recognition as a sponsor on www.thebacha.ca. For complete details, see the attached sponsorship benefits page.

Register and pay for your booth before March 1, 2015 and pay last year’s rate of $275. All booths paid after March 1 are priced at $299. The participants will receive: a professionally set-up

10’ x 8’ exhibit booth, including a 6’ skirted table, a continental style breakfast, access to the
exhibitors’ lounge with snacks and refreshments provided throughout the day, and a listing in the official program guide. Each booth will receive a tickets for each of the door prizes.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact Thebacha Business Development Services, Linda Martin at 872-2795, or tbds_manager AT northwestel.net. Click here for a registration package…
See you at the show!

Professional Development and Skills Training are Important Tools for all Entrepreneurs 



Aurora College Continuing Education is pleased to offer several new courses to its schedule at Thebacha Campus in Fort Smith, including new courses aimed at small businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as all the courses in the popular Project Management certificate program.

Check out the course descriptions below, and contact Jessica Cox if you’d like more information. Course details can also be found online at http://www.auroracollege.nt.ca/_live/pages/wpPages/ProgramsAndCoursesContinuingEducationThebacha.aspx.


Course:   How to Empower, Influence, and Inspire Your Team: A Creative Leadership Workshop for Managers and Supervisors

Dates:                   March 4-25

Wednesday mornings

Times:                   9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Location:              Fort Smith

Instructor:           Jim Heidema

Cost:                      $350

Notes:                  Registration deadline is Friday, February 20.

Description:        A successful leader is one who can inspire others to achieve and do well, despite the lack of resources and demands placed on teams. This creative hands-on workshop for managers and supervisors will explore a number of tested and proven methods to effectively empower, influence, and inspire team members, thus leading to commitment and motivation. Participants will have the opportunity to apply their learning and evaluate their successes and challenges. This course will enable managers to motivate their team members to do the right job for the right reasons.



Course:                Building a High-Performance Team: From Poison to Passion

Dates:                   April 13-June 8

Monday mornings

Times:                   9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Location:              Fort Smith

Instructor:           Jim Heidema

Cost:                      $500

Notes:                  Registration deadline is Friday, March 27.

Description:       In many work places today, a high-performance team is necessary to respond to the ever-changing demands on an organization. This powerful course is designed to assist leaders in the work place in understanding and resolving the toxic challenges that adversely affect their teams and work environments. Participants will learn how to apply the skills learned in their course to increase team performance and harmony. Participants will receive an e-book called ‘Building the Passionate Team – From Poison to Passion‘ co-written by the instructor. This book will form the basis of the course.




In partnership with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Aurora College is pleased to offer the following courses for small businesses and entrepreneurs:



Course:                QuickBooks Level 1

Dates:                   March 7-8 in Fort Smith

March 14-15 in Hay River

Times:                   9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday and Sunday

Instructor:           Ryan Pond, Crowe Mackay LLP

Cost:                      $50

Note:                    Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 4.

Description:        This course is designed to introduce the basic features in QuickBooks Pro 2014 and give an opportunity for hands-on practice. Participants will learn about the types of information they need to track in their business and how to enter that information. They will also become familiar with the most common tasks and know where to find information about more advanced features.



Course:                Building An Online Presence For Small Businesses

Dates:                   March 14-15

Times:                   1:00-6:00 PM Saturday and Sunday

Location:              Fort Smith

Instructor:           Jeff Turner

Cost:                      $50

Note:                    Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 11.

Description:        This course will show participants the effective use of existing website-building resources, and how to use them to build a functional website for their business.




Coming soon to Aurora College Thebacha Campus in Fort Smith, the popular Project Management certificate program:


Program:             Project Management Certificate

Dates:                   June 16-18 (Course #1)

September 22-24 (Course #1)

October 20-23 (Courses #2-5)

November 23-27 (Courses #6-10)

Times:                   9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Location:              Thebacha Campus

Instructor:           Janet Dean, TangleTree Enterprises Ltd.

Cost:                      $600 for course #1

$250 each for courses #2-10

Note:                    Registration deadlines vary. Please see our website at http://www.auroracollege.nt.ca/_live/pages/wpPages/ProgramsAndCoursesContinuingEducationThebacha.aspx for more information.

Description:        The Project Management certificate program provides introductory and advanced training in project management. Successful completion of all 10 courses will help program graduates earn certification as Project Management Professionals (PMP) and Certified Associates in Project Management (CAPM) as designated by the Project Management Institute. For more information about the institute, please visit www.pmi.org. Learn to manage projects on time and within budget and scope. The science of project planning, scheduling, and controlling is a defined set of skills that can be developed through focused practice. Course materials include relevant forms and checklists you can take away for your own projects. This program consists of 10 courses: one three-day fundamentals course followed by nine one-day courses. You may take courses individually or as a group.




For more information about and/or to register for any of the courses listed above contact:

Jessica Cox, Coordinator

Continuing Education, Thebacha Campus

Aurora College

Phone: (867) 872-7507

Email: jcox@auroracollege.nt.ca

Community Futures Strategic Direction


Thebacha Business Development Services is a Community Futures Business Development Corporation and a proud member of the Community Futures Network.

Community Futures is a community-driven initiative designed to assist communities in Canada’s rural areas to develop and implement innovative strategies for dealing with a changing economic environment.

The Community Futures Strategic Direction 2014-2017 has set 5 goals to help achieve the network’s Mission.  To learn more about Community Futures, visit their website .

Click to read the CFSD.