
New Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration


TBDS would like to welcome the Fort Smith Health and Social Services Authority as a Silver Sponsor, andPrint Aurora Ford, who will be joining us as an exhibitor at the 2016 Thebacha Trade Show!

There is still time to join our sponsor list! Contact Linda at TBDS, 872-2795



Thebacha Trade Show Sponsors Signing On

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The Thebacha Trade Show is only 105 days away!

We are pleased to welcome aboard Northwestern Air Lease as a Gold Sponsor, Kaeser’s Stores as a Silver Sponsor, and Phoenix Automotive and Thebacha Chamber of Commerce as Bronze Sponsors.

On April 30, be sure to stop by their booths, say hello and find out the new and exciting things that are happening in their world.

There is still plenty of time to become a Thebacha Trade Show sponsor. We have 3 levels of sponsorship left to choose from. Gold, Silver, Bronze.

sponsorship levels

Contact Thebacha Business Development Services at 867-872-2795

Or download our trade show registration package here.


BDIC Thebacha Trade Show 2016 Platinum Sponsor









Thebacha Business Development Services is pleased to announce that the Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) will be the Thebacha Trade Show 2016 Platinum Sponsor!

Sponsorship and support of the Thebacha Trade Show shows a commitment on behalf of the BDIC to support entrepreneurs and promote economic development in the NWT.

The Thebacha Trade Show offers exhibitors from across the NWT an opportunity to build relationships with their clients in Fort Smith in a fun, friendly atmosphere, while promoting their products and services.

Saturday, April 30, 2016 has been set as the date of the Thebacha Trade Show which will be returning to its home venue in the newly renovated Fort Smith Centennial Arena.

2016 marks the 11th anniversary of the popular annual spring trade show in the South Slave.

Be sure to stop by the BDIC  booth and say hello on April 30, 2016!

For more information on the products and services of the BDIC, please go to www.bdic.ca


Thebacha Trade Show 2016


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The plans have been made and the organization has begun! The Fort Smith Centennial Arena has been booked, Trade Show Direct has been booked, all we need now, is you!

Thebacha Business Development Services (TBDS) is happy to announce the 11th Annual Thebacha Trade Show will be held Saturday, April 30, 2016!

We understand the nature of business and not all organizations may be able to attend this year’s trade show in person. That’s not a problem! We are are pleased to offer several ways to participate.

  1. Be an Exhibitor: set up your booth and greet the over 700 attendees that attend each year.
  2. Be a Sponsor: 4 Levels of Sponsorship are available because one size does not fit all.
  3. Be an Advertiser: 6 months of web ads are now offered right here on Thebacha.ca.

Download the registration page here.

If you still need more information,  contact us at 867-872-2795, by email: tbds_manager@northwestel.net, or on Facebook!

See you at the Show!



Small Business Week – October 18-24, 2015

hug-a-small-businessSmall business, what’s the big deal? Do you think you could live without any small businesses?

Sure, you could order most of your necessities like your shoes, clothes, even houses, and just about anything else online. But, who is going to deliver the goods? You can hunt/fish and grow your own vegetables, and chop wood for heating and cooking. But, you won’t have any gas for your vehicles. You can order all your regular medications online. But, what happens in an emergency without a local pharmacy? Where are you going to purchase your pumpkin spiced lattes, ice cream, or get your haircut without small businesses in your communities?  Without entrepreneurs and small business to grow from, there wouldn’t be any large businesses. Small business = huge impact!

Celebrate and support your local small business owners. They are the ones who make living in our communities convenient and much easier, for us all. After all, who wants to live in a community without pumpkin spiced lattes or ice cream?